"La Rivista di Engramma (open access)" ISSN 1826-901X
Aims & Scope

Engramma – full title: “La Rivista di Engramma. La tradizione classica nella memoria occidentale” (online ISSN 1826-901X, paper print ISSN 2974-5535) – is the journal of “Centro studi classicA | Iuav” (Architecture, Culture, and Classical Tradition) of the Università Iuav di Venezia. Its readership is academic, in particular within the Humanities. Its primary research field is Art and Humanities. Its sub-fields of research are Classics (Greek and Latin Literatures; Modern Literatures; Archaeology; Ancient History; Classical Philology; History of Classical Tradition; Cultural Heritage), Philosophy (in particular in relation to Aby Warburg’s Thought and Methodology; War Memory and History), Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Art History; Iconology; Theatrical History, Drama Studies; Performance Studies; Cinema Studies; Pop Cultural Studies). A main field of research is also Architecture (sub-field of Engineering).

“La Rivista di Engramma” is a research cluster, coordinated by Monica Centanni, which includes both scholars of different backgrounds and young researchers. It was founded in the year 2000 and stemmed from the iconological research of the Seminario Mnemosyne, then held at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Since 2002, the Editorial Board of “La Rivista di Engramma” has been based at Università Iuav di Venezia.

Contributions published by Engramma are selected by the editors through call for papers, individual invitations, and authors’ suggestions. Essays are double-blind peer reviewed by external reviewers. Authors, editors, and reviewers follow the Code of Ethics here below. Engramma has an International Advisory Board composed of internationally renowned scholars in the field of Humanity Studies: Ancient and Classical Antiquity Studies, History of Art, Architecture, Philosophy, Anthropology, History of Theater, Drama and Cinema.

Since its first issue (September 2000), the Journal has been published in monthly digital editions. All issues and contributions are fully available online.
The Italian Ministry of Education and Research includes “La Rivista di Engramma” in the ‘Index of Scientific Journals’ (Anvur: Area 8, Area 10 – ‘fascia A’, i.e. the top ranked Scientific Journals, for Archaeology).

International Advisory Board
Scientific Committee
  • Barbara Baert | professor of Art History, University of Leuven
    Barbara Biscotti | professor of Roman Law and the Laws of Antiquity, Università Milano-Bicocca
    Andrea Capra | professor of Greek Language and Literature, Università Statale di Milano
    Giovanni Careri | professor of Art History, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Marialuisa Catoni | professor of Ancient Art History and Archaeology, IMT Lucca
    Victoria Cirlot | catedrática de Filología románica, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
    Fernanda De Maio | professor of Architectural Design, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Alessandro Grilli | professor of Classical Philology, Università di Pisa
    Raoul Kirchmayr | professor of Esthetics, Università di Trieste
    Luca Lanini | professor of Architectural and Urban Design, Università di Pisa
    Vincenzo Latina | professor of Architectural and Urban Design, Università di Catania 
    Orazio Licandro | professor of Roman Law and the Laws of Antiquity, Università di Catania
    Fabrizio Lollini | professor of Medieval Art History, Università di Bologna
    Natalia Mazour | professor, Department of Art History, Provost, European University at Saint-Petersburg
    Alessandro Metlica | professor of Comparative Literature, Università di Padova 
    Guido Morpurgo | professor of Interior Architecture and Exhibitions, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Andrea Pinotti | professor of Esthetics, Università Statale di Milano
    Giuseppina Scavuzzo | professor of Architectural and Urban Design, Università di Trieste
    Elisabetta Terragni | professor of Architecture, The City College University of New York
    Piermario Vescovo | professor of Theatre History, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
    Marina Vicelja | professor of Art History, University of Rijeka

Guarantee Committee 
  • Janyie Anderson | professor emeritus of Art History, University of Melbourne
    Anna Beltrametti | professor of Greek and Literature Language, Università degli Studi di Pavia
    Lorenzo Braccesi | professor of Greek History, Università degli Studi di Padova
    Maria Grazia Ciani | professor of History and Classical Tradition, Università degli Studi di Padova
    Georges Didi-Huberman | professeur d’Histoire et de Théorie de l’art, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
    Alberto Ferlenga | professor of Architectural Composition, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Nadia Fusini | anglicist and comparatist, professor at the Scuola Normale di Pisa
    Maurizio Harari | professor of Etruscology and Italic Antiquities, Università degli Studi Pavia
    Arturo Mazzarella | comparatist and critic of literature and aesthetics, Università Roma Tre
    Elisabetta Pallottino | professor of Architectural Restoration, Università Roma Tre
    Salvatore Settis | archaeologist and art historian, former Director of the Scuola Normale di Pisa 
    Oliver Taplin | Professor Emeritus of Classics, Magdalen College, Oxford
    Co-founder, Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama, Oxford University

Editorial Board
  • Editor-in-chief and Scientific Director
  • Monica Centanni centanni@iuav.it | full professor of Greek Language and Literature, Università Iuav di Venezia 

  • Editorial Team
  • Damiano Acciarino (1986) damiano.acciarino@unive.it | professor of Italian Literature, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia; PhD in Italianistics and Classical and Medieval Philology, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
    Sara Agnoletto (1975) sagn@alu.upo.es | Ph.D Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla & Università Iuav di Venezia 
    Mattia Angeletti (1999) angeletti_matti@icloud.com | MA student, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
    Maddalena Bassani (1973) mbassani@iuav.it | associate professor of Classical Archaeology, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Asia Benedetti (1998) abenedetti@iuav.it | Ph.D candidate, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
    Maria Bergamo (1976) mbergamo@iuav.it | researcher, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Elisa Bizzotto (1970) bizzotto@iuav.it | associate professor of English Literature, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Emily Verla Bovino (1980) ebovino@gmail.com | researcher, Ph.D University of California, San Diego, UCSD
    Giacomo Calandra di Roccolino (1980) calandradiroccolino@iuav.it | professor of architecture, HafenCity Universität Hamburg
    Olivia Sara Carli (1985) carli.olivia@gmail.com | Ph.D architect, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Concetta Cataldo (1980) ccataldo@iuav.it | Ph.D candidate, Università di Catania
    Giacomo Confortin (1996) gconfortin@iuav.it | Ph.D candidate, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
    Giorgiomaria Cornelio (1997) gcornelio@iuav.it | MA student, Trinity College Dublin and Università Iuav di Venezia
    Mario De Angelis (1996) 956746@stud.unive.it | Ph.D candidate, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
    Silvia De Laude (1964) silvia.delaude@gmail.com | independent researcher, Ph.D Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
    Francesca Romana Dell’Aglio (1987) frdellaglio@iuav.it | architect and lecturer, Trinity Hall College, University of Cambridge
    Simona Dolari (1972) simonadolari@gmail.com | Ph.D Sapienza, Università di Roma
    Emma Filipponi (1984) emma.filipponi@paris-valdeseine.archi.fr | chercheur associé Laboratoire CNRS, ENSA Paris Malaquais, Université PSL
    Anna Ghiraldini (1989) aghiraldini@iuav.it | researcher, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Ilaria Grippa (1997) igrippa@iuav.it | Ph.D candidate, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
    Roberto Indovina (1990) rindovina@iuav.it | Ph.D candidate, Università di Catania
    Delphine Lauritzen (1979) delphinelauritzen@gmail.com | membre associée Orient et Méditerranée, Monde byzantin, Paris Sorbonne
    Laura Leuzzi (1982) laura.leuzzi@gmail.com | researcher, Sapienza Università di Roma
    Michela Maguolo (1963) mmaguolo1@iuav.it | architect, editorial consultant
    Ada Naval (1996), adanavalg@gmail.com | Ph.D candidate, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona and Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia
    Alessandra Pedersoli (1976) alessandra.pedersoli@iuav.it | Ph.D, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
    Marina Pellanda (1973) marinap@iuav.it | Ph.D, indipendent researcher Università degli Studi di Padova
    Filippo Perfetti (1994) fperfetti@iuav.it | Ph.D candidate, Università di Udine
    Margherita Piccichè (1995) margherita.picciche@unipa.it | Ph.D candidate, Università degli studi di Palermo
    Daniele Pisani (1974) daniele.pisani@polimi.it | associate professor of History of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
    Stefania Rimini (1973) s.rimini@unict.it | full professor of Cinema, Photography and Television studies, of Architecture, Università di Catania
    Daniela Sacco (1973) danielasacco@iuav.it | researcher in Theatre Studies, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Cesare Sartori (1998) csartori@iuav.it | MA student, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Antonella Sbrilli (1959) antonella.sbrillieletti@uniroma1.it | associate professor, Sapienza Università di Roma
    Massimo Stella (1970) massimo.stella@unive.it | associate professor of Comparative Literature, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
    Ianick Takaes (1987) it2276@columbia.edu | researcher, Ph.D Columbia University
    Elizabeth Enrica Thomson (1948) elizabethenricathomson@gmail.com | literary translator
    Christian Toson (1993) ctoson@iuav.it | researcher, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Chiara Velicogna (1987) cvelicogna@iuav.it | researcher, Università Iuav di Venezia
    Giulia Zanon (1995) gzanon@iuav.it | Ph.D candidate, Università Iuav di Venezia

  • Ownership and Management

    Associazione Culturale Engramma

Copyright and Licensing

Engramma is an open-access journal. Following international conventions on open access journals, anyone has a right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles, and Engramma allows readers to use articles for any lawful purpose.

As pointed out in the presentation above, the Journal does not impose any fees to authors to publish and edit their articles in Open Access format (no submission or article processing charges).

The free use of sources and materials published in Engramma must still be credited by mentioning the source: “La Rivista di Engramma (ISSN 1826-901X)”. If Engramma materials are used via web, the insertion of a link back to the page of the Journal in which these materials are published is required.

Sources published in Engramma (essays, texts, translations, images) are available under the terms of the Creative Commons license 3.0, with the integration of fair use conditions as referred to in Italian law 633/41, art. 70 and its subsequent updates: “The summary, quotation or reproduction of fragments or parts of published work, and their communication to the audience, are free if made for critical discussion within the justified limits of such purposes and so as not to constitute competition to the economic profit of said work; if carried out for didactic purposes or for scientific research, the use should also be of illustrative and non-commercial nature. Publication of low-resolution images and music through the Internet is allowed, free of charge, for didactic and scientific purposes but only if such use is non-profit. [...] The summary, quotation or reproduction must always be accompanied by the reference to the title, name of the author, publisher and, in case of a translation, of the translator, whenever such information appears in the reproduction”.

Publication Ethics

Engramma is a peer reviewed journal inspired by the publishing ethical code developed by COPE: Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors

Editors’ Responsibilities

Publishing decisions
The editors of Engramma issues are responsible for the decision to publish submitted articles. Editors may consult with external reviewers to make the final decision.

Fair Play
Editors evaluate the articles based on their contents without regard to the authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship, and political orientation.

Editors and other collaborators of the Journal commit to not disclosing information on submitted material to people besides the authors, the external reviewers, and the editors.

Conflict of interest and disclosure
Editors commit to not using contents of submitted articles in their research without the authors’ written consent.

Reviewers’ Responsibilities

Contribution to editorial decisions
Peer review is a process that helps the editors to make decisions on submitted articles, while also allowing authors to improve their contributions.

Time management
Reviewers who either do not deem themselves qualified or capable to carry out the review on time are required to promptly inform the editorial staff of the Journal.

Every paper assigned for peer reviewing is to be considered confidential. All papers must not be discussed with other people without the editors’ explicit consent.

Peer review should be conducted in an objective, methodologically sound manner. Personal judgments on the authors are not accepted. Peer reviewers are required to give adequate reasons for their opinions by filling out the form provided by the editors.

Reviewers are expected to indicate any relevant bibliographical titles that may have been overlooked by the authors. Reviewers are also expected to report on any similarities between submitted papers and other works known to them.

Conflict of interest and disclosure
Confidential information, or any information obtained during the process of peer reviewing, must be considered confidential and cannot be used for personal purposes. When accepting articles, reviewers must avoid conflict of interest due to previous collaboration or competition with the authors and/or their affiliated institutions.

Authors’ Responsibilities

Data access and preservation
If editors find it appropriate, authors are required to make sources or data on which their research is based available. By doing so, information can be kept for a reasonable period of time after publication and made available for further research.

Originality and plagiarism
Authors are required to declare that they have produced an original work in its entirety and that all quoted material is appropriately indicated as such.

Multiple, repetitive and / or competing publications
Authors submitting their contributions to the Journal must not publish them in other journals, volumes, websites, etc. 

Source indication
Authors are always expected to provide correct indications of all
sources mentioned in their article.

Authorship of the works
Authorship of all contributions must be attributed correctly. Co-authors – all those who have significantly contributed the concept, organization, implementation and development of the research behind the article – must be indicated. Other people that have taken part in any stages of the research should have their contributions acknowledged with an explicit mention. Authors who send contributions co-written by different people are required to declare that they have correctly identified the names of all co-authors, and that all co-authors have approved the final version of the article and given their consent to publication in Engramma. Authors retain the rights to all they publish and, in particular, the rights to re-publish their articles in reprints or reissues. However, they are expected to state that the first edition of their contributions was published in Engramma.

Conflict of interest and disclosure
All authors are required to explicitly state that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the final results or interpretations. Authors must also indicate any research and / or project funding agencies thanks to which their articles were written.

Errors in published articles
If and when authors identify relevant errors or inaccuracies in their articles, they are required to inform the Journal editors as soon as possible and to provide them with all the information necessary for corrections.

Editorial Procedures 
Sending in contributions and Editing rules

Engramma has a International Advisory Board composed of internationally renowned scholars in the field of Humanity Studies: Ancient and Classical Antiquity Studies, History of Art, Architecture, Philosophy, Anthropology, History of Theater, Drama and Cinema. Contributions published by Engramma monthly are selected by the editors through call for papers, individual invitations, and authors’ suggestions. Proposals for papers to be published in Engramma must be sent to classica@iuav.it. The Journal does not apply any fees for article submission or publication. Essays must be submitted in a format that follows the Editorial Guidelines for authors. After submission, each essay is subjected to the Editorial Procedures and Stages. Publication conforms to the rules of the Code of Ethics adopted by the Journal.

Editorial Procedures and Stages

The procedures and stages of the scientific review of incoming papers (in response to call for papers or by authors’ initiative) are as follows:

stage I | Analysis of the paper by the members of the Editorial staff and members of the Scientific Committee. If the paper is deemed worthy of consideration, the evaluation process moves on to the next stage;

stage 2 | Authors are sent a first trial answer with possible detailed suggestions by members of the Editorial staff and / or Scientific Committee for an improvement of their papers. If authors accept the suggestions and send a revised version of their contributions that conforms to them (or if the paper was considered positively tout court), the evaluation process moves on to the next stage;

stage 3 | The essay is sent to two (or more) external reviewers for blind peer assessment. If the paper is approved by both reviewers, the evaluation process moves on to the final stage. If the paper is approved by only one reviewer, it is assessed either by a third external expert, or by the Scientific Committee. In any case, the final decision to public a contribution is entrusted to the Editorial Board. Authors are expected to consider all suggestions and revisions coming from the reviewers.

stage 4 | All contributions approved by both the editors / Scientific Committee and the reviewers are laid out after the authors correct them. Authors may ask to see the graphic layout of their articles before publication. Editors may also submit the final article layout to the authors for approval. 

Plagiarism check

The Journal’s Editorial Board is committed to identifying and preventing the publication of articles in which research misconduct has occurred, particularly in relation to plagiarism and self-plagiarism. More specifically, before submission to the reviewers, the Editorial Board, also drawing on the advice of the Scientific Committee

I. checks that the article submitted by the author for publication does not contain elements of plagiarism;

II. checks that the article submitted by the author for publication does not contain elements of self-plagiarism, i.e. the repetition of substantial passages from articles published elsewhere by the same author; such passages may be re-published only with a declaration identifying the parts, or concepts that have already been published.

If the Journal’s Editorial Board becomes aware of any allegations of research misconduct, including allegations of plagiarism or self-plagiarism, the Journal can either reject previously accepted articles, or ask the editors and publishers to be prepared to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.


Engramma’s archive is accessible at the following link. The Journal has a backup system and uses a server provided by Università Iuav di Venezia.

Revenue Sources

Engramma utilizes technical instruments, infrastructures and spaces, both physical and virtual, provided by Università Iuav di Venezia. Engramma is a non-profit journal. Paperback editions of the Journal are published by Edizioni Engramma and sold through Amazon’s print-on-demand service. Any income from the selling of Journal issues is given to Associazione Engramma (a non-profit cultural society).