"La Rivista di Engramma (open access)" ISSN 1826-901X

69 | gennaio 2009


Alberto Ferlenga (Università IUAV – Venezia)
Teatri di città

In Teatri di città, Alberto Ferlenga propone un percorso nella forma teatro che, partendo dal teatro romano sulle alture del Golan in Giordania, arriva fino agli interventi dell'artista tedesco Anselm Kiefer, passando in rassegna, fra Occidente e vicino Oriente, esempi del dialogo fra la città e il teatro.

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English abstract

"Luminar", the annual event dedicated to the relationship between the Internet and Humanism, promoted by the Engramma cultural association, which reached its seventh edition in 2008 (Luminar 2002-2007), addressed the theme of theaters, with particular attention to archaeological recovery, architectural restitution, theatrical activity and the promotion, dissemination and cataloging of the performing arts on the web. In Teatri di città, Alberto Ferlenga proposes a path in the form of theater which, starting from the Roman theater on the Golan Heights in Jordan, reaches the interventions of the German artist Anselm Kiefer, reviewing examples of dialogue between the West and the Near East between the city and the theater.


keywords | Luminar 7; Luminar 8; Internet; Humanism; Archeology; Architecture; Web; Cinema; Technologies; Theatre; Performance.