Ernst Gombrich's Geburtstagsatlas
An Index of materials published in Engramma
Seminario Mnemosyne, coordinated by Monica Centanni and Anna Fressola. English edition by Elizabeth Thomson
Ernst Gombrich, Geburtstagsatlas für Max M. Warburg (5 June 1937). First digital edition, with a presentation by Seminario Mnemosyne.
Ernst Gombrich, To Mnemosyne. An Introduction to Geburtstagsatlas (1937), edited by Seminario Mnemosyne.
Victoria Cirlot, Zwischenraum/Denkraum. Terminological Oscillations in the Introductions to the Atlas by Aby Warburg (1929) and Ernst Gombrich (1937).
Salvatore Settis, Alessandra Pedersoli, Simone Culotta, Esercizi di confronto tra le tavole 7, 30, 37 del Geburtstagsatlas di Gombrich, e le corrispondenti tavole del Mnemosyne Atlas.