"La Rivista di Engramma (open access)" ISSN 1826-901X
warburg & mnemosyne
in fieri
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Centro studi classicA
Associazione culturale Engramma
luglio 2024
Archaeology of Thermalism. New studies on healing waters
Maddalena Bassani, Jacopo Tabolli
Etruscan Parallels for ‘Modern’ Medicine?
Jean MacIntosh Turfa
Healing Perception and Ritual Practice through the Metal Gifts in the Hot Water at San Casciano dei Bagni
Mattia Bischeri
From DEM to reconstruction of the ancient thermal landscape: worship spaces and public areas in the context of the Bagno Grande in San Casciano dei Bagni
Emanuele Mariotti
Of souls and animals. Healing properties of hot springs and livestock economies
Edoardo Vanni
The Etruscan and Roman territory of Trequanda (Siena, Italy). Rediscovering the ancient ‘thermal’ complex of Pieve di Santo Stefano a Cennano at Castelmuzio
Jacopo Tabolli, Debora Barbagli, Cesare Felici
Healing with mineral waters. Places, objects and written evidence in Roman Italy
Maddalena Bassani
Offering truncated bodies in Roman Gaul. Layouts, antecedents and interpretations
Olivier de Cazanove
Hotel Montecarlo nearby the archaeological area of Via Scavi in Montegrotto Terme
Maddalena Bassani, Maria Elena De Venanzi
La scoperta dell’acqua fredda. The Roman Thermal Baths of Mezzomiglio in Chianciano Terme between old excavations and new data
Marco Pacifici
The potential of thermal and Archaeological heritage through Digital Humanities
Silvia González Soutelo, Laura García-Juan
Thermal scientific research and therapies in the Euganean area
Fabrizio Caldara, Antonio Chiappetta, Pietro Scimemi
Encountering the thermo-mineral spring of Bagno Grande in the design of the exhibition at the Archaeological National Museum of Naples
Massimo Osanna, Jacopo Tabolli