Iconoδramma. A selected Bibliography
updated September, 2024
edited by Anna Chiara Bellinato, Concetta Cataldo, Roberto Indovina
The following bibliography aims to serve as an initial tool for researches on the topic of Iconoδramma, to explore the intricate interplay between vase-painting images and theatrical texts. It builds on a previous bibliographic review (C. Crocetta, E. Pulvirenti, Ricognizione Bibliografica sul tema Pots&Plays, “La Rivista di Engramma” n. 99, luglio-agosto 2012), which served as an early foundation in the exploration of this field. Rather then providing a comprehensive overview of studies on the subject, the purpose is to suggest foundational reference texts and to highlight insights – found in particularly illuminating monographs or essays – useful for the development of an original and rigorous hermeneutic framework. Since 2011 this field has evolved through a meticulous layering process, based on the collaborative efforts of various contributors associated with the Pots&Plays Seminar. Scholars and enthusiasts are encouraged to contribute exploration by recommending additional bibliographic references to the Editorial Board of Engramma, thereby enriching this ever-evolving resource.
The initial exploration of the connection between texts and figured pottery is attributed to Robert 1881, with subsequent discussions on the transmission and reception of texts translated into images – and the timing of this process – in Vogel 1886, 11 and 17-27; a contrary opinion is to be found in Huddilston 1898, who considered the artist’s creativity to play a preponderant role in the reworking of theatrical subject images. After these pioneering works, Séchan 1926 introduced the idea of using vascular scenes as philological evidence (philologica testimonia) to reconstruct lacunar dramatic texts. Webster's studies defined the relationship between theatre and figured pottery – Webster 1948; Webster 1967; Webster 1969 – particularly in the Magna Graecia context in collaboration with A.D. Trendall: Trendall, Webster 1971. E.C. Keuls – Keuls 1978a, Keuls 1978b; particularly on the Aeschylean influences: Keuls 1978c – explored tragic scenes on Italiot pottery, while Hammond and Moon 1978, Todisco 2012b, and Giuliani 2015 delved into tragedy as a genre rich in mythical episodes translatable into visual representations. Moret 1975, 227-272, challenged previous studies, arguing that stereotypical scenes on pottery could indeed be considered philologica testimonia. Giuliani 1996, 71-86, further discussed this topic, along with subsequent works in 2003: Giuliani 2003; Small 2003, 37-38.
Oliver Taplin – starting from the philological analysis of the texts – initiated a new line of studies emphasising the relationship between text and image to propose new interpretations of dramaturgical scenes vessels: Taplin 1993a; Taplin 1993b. Bolin and Corthell 1996 followed this approach. Taplin's methodology – specifically about the identification of recurrent extra-dramatic and pictorial signals: Taplin 2007, 35-43 – inspired scholars to explore the text/image relationship further, as in Small 2005; Billings 2008; Giuliani 2009; Rebaudo 2017.
A review of Taplin 2007 is in Banfi 2008; for the Italian version of the conference held at the University of Catania on January 18th, 2010, about Pots&Plays and edited by A. Banfi: Taplin 2010. The Pots&Plays Seminar in 2012 refined these hypotheses. On the interaction between Taplin’s hypotheses and Pots&Plays: Taplin 2013.
Other works – including Buxton 1983; Pollitt 1987; Shapiro 1993; Aellen 1994; Borg 2002; Bordignon 2013; Draià 2022 – delved into the use of Furies and personifications as indicators of dramatic text/image relationships. Examples focused on tragic dialogue and gestures are in Cerri 2012; Cerri 2013.
In the wake of new considerations and criteria to recognize the relationship between pots and plays Rebaudo 2013b, while Grilli 2014 proposed a comparative semiotics to study vascular figures.
Rebaudo 2015 provided a bibliographic overview up to 2015. The same year, a systematic collection of contributions related to the iconology of ancient drama was edited by Bordignon 2015; book review: Bordignon, Lo Piparo 2015. Later, on the problem of remote transmission according to the biological paradigm of the prototype: Rebaudo 2019.
An overcoming and redefinition of certain parameters to identify episodes of newly born myths, following the elaboration of the theatrical text (ἅπαξ δρώμενον) on figured pottery, can be found in Centanni, Grilli 2021, 51-93, and on the cores of action and transmedial dynamics in the transition from staged tragedy to image on the vase: Grilli 2021.
Studies exploring the relationship between theatrical scenes, epic episodes, and reception in the vascular figurative repertoire: Massei 1969; Green 1991; Green, Handley 1995; Keuls 1997; Green 1999; Sisto 2003; Lissarague 2008; Corrente 2009; Csapo 2010; Taplin, Wyles 2010; Trendall McPhee 2016; Linardaki 2017. Wellenbach 2015 specifically investigated the influence of the dithyrambic tradition in certain cases.
A list of repertoires on theatre and tragic subject pottery in Magna Graecia and Sicily can be found in Aellen, Cambitoglou, Chamay 1986; Keuls 1990; Trendall 1991; Giuliani 1995; Todisco 2002; Gadaleta 2003; Roscino 2003; Roscino 2004; Todisco 2004; Lissarague 2008. Some case studies on the topic: Trendall, McPhee 2016; Taplin 2021.
Case studies exploring specific characters and plays, on the Aeschylean interpretation of the myth of Achylleus: Dohle 1967; on Alcestis: Adornato 2022; on Agamemnon: Roscino 2008; Lo Piparo 2017; on Andromache: Centanni, Grilli 2021; on Antigone: Viccei 2010; on Bacchae: Cerri 2013; on Chaeremon: Morelli 2001; on Coeforae: Ghiron-Bistagne 1977; Centanni, Grilli 2021; Roscino 2023; on Epicharmus: Rheinhardt 1996; on Eumenides: Centanni, Grilli 2021; on Ion: Lo Piparo 2014; on Laocoon: Centanni, Licitra, Nuzzi, Pedersoli 2013; Centanni, Cipolla 2024; on Medea: Mastronarde 2002; Catenacci 2009; Rebaudo 2013a; Rebaudo 2019; Centanni, Grilli 2021; on the Niobe’s persona dramatis: Keuls 1978c; Catucci 2009; Rebaudo 2012; Giudice 2015; on Oedipus: Taplin 2017; on Orestes: Prag 1985; Isler-Kerény 2016; on Perseus: Jahn 1868; Mirone 1919; Howe 1953; Schefold, Jung 1988; on Philoktetes: Guy 1983; Taplin 1998; Fontannaz 2000; Garipoli 2013; on Prometheus desmotes: Cataldo, Vacca 2021; Cataldo 2022; on Rhesus: Giuliani 1996; Cirio 2006; on Telephus: Csapo 1986; Csapo 2010; on Thereus: Rumpf 1960; Saletti 1966; Harrison 1987; Cazzaniga 1950; Valastro 1990; Dobrov 1993; Halm-Tisserant 1993; Fitzpatick 2001; Chazalon 2003; Monella 2005; Giudice 2009; Tisano 2018; Sabbatucci 2022.
Exploring the relationship between vascular representations and Attic comedy or other comic genres: Catteruccia 1951; Green 1985b, 95-118; Dearden 1986-1988; Spigo 1992-1993; Taplin 1993b; Shapiro 1995; Hughes 1996; Hughes 2003; Natale 2008; Wiles 2008; Corrente 2009; Loscalzo 2009; Mitchell 2009; Green 2012; Kostantinopoulou 2013; Csapo 2014; Petrides 2014; Ugarkovic 2016; Corrente 2017; Silk 2020; Taplin 2020; Álvarez Junco 2023; Todisco 2023.
On the depiction of gestures in comic vessels as an indicator of theatrical relationships Günther 2021; Piqueux 2022.
Some case studies: relating to comedy and parody Froning 2014; Pellegrino 2019; on Pestan ceramics Figura 2022.
- Adornato 2022
G. Adornato, Dying (as) Alcestis. Iconographic Notes on the Basel Loutrophoros, in B. Arbeid, E. Ghisellini, M.R. Luberto (a cura di), ὅ παῖς καλός. Scritti di archeologia offerti a Mario Iozzo per il suo sessantacinquesimo compleanno, Monte Compatri 2022, 11–22. - Aellen, Cambitoglou, Chamay 1986
C. Allen, A. Cambitoglou, J. Chamay, Le peintre de Darius et son milieu: Vases grecs d’Italie meridionale, Association Hellas et Rome, Genève 1986. - Aellen 1994
C. Aellen, À la recherche de l’ordre cosmique. Forme et fonction des personnifications dans la céramique italiote, Kilchberg-Zurich 1994. - Álvarez Junco 2023
M. Álvarez Junco, Imágenes cómicas y festivas de la Grecia clásica, Madrid 2023. - Banfi 2008
A. Banfi, Pots&Plays: Pittura vascolare e teatro tragico. Recensione a Oliver Taplin, Pots&Plays. Interactions between Tragedy and Greek Vase-painting of the Fourth Century B.C., Getty Museum Publications, Los Angeles 2007, “La Rivista di Engramma” 65 (giugno/luglio 2008), 38-41. - Billings 2008
C.M. Billings, Representations of Greek Tragedy in Ancient Pottery: a Theatrical Perspective, “New Theatre Quarterly” 24, 3 (2008), 229-245. - Bolin, Corthell 1996
P. Bolin, M. Corthell, Mixed Messages in Greek Theatre: an Examination of Vases and Written Histories, 1996. - Bordignon 2013
G. Bordignon, Personificazioni di concetti astratti nelle rappresentazioni teatrali e nelle raffigurazioni vascolari: alcuni esempi, “La Rivista di Engramma” 107 (giugno 2013), 14-26. - Bordignon 2015
G. Bordignon (a cura di), Scene dal mito. Iconologia del dramma antico, Rimini 2015. - Bordignon, Lo Piparo 2015
G. Bordignon, F. Lo Piparo, Briciole dal banchetto di Omero. Presentazione del volume Scene dal mito a cura di Giulia Bordignon, collana Guaraldi, Engramma, Rimini 2015, “La Rivista di Engramma” 128 (luglio/agosto 2015), 83-89. - Borg 2002
B.E. Borg, Der Logos des Mythos. Allegorien und Personifikationen in der frühen griechischen Kunst, Munich 2002. - Buxton 1983
R.G.A. Buxton, Persuasion in Greek Tragedy. A study of Peitho, Cambridge 1983. - Cataldo, Vacca 2021
C. Cataldo, R. Vacca, Metamorfosi e peregrinazioni di Io. Dalla pittura vascolare alla tragedia, e ritorno, “La Rivista di Engramma” 183 (luglio/agosto 2021), 21-50. - Cataldo 2022
C. Cataldo, Prometeo alla colonna o alla rupe? Possibili cortocircuiti iconografico-letterari, “La Rivista di Engramma” 195 (settembre/ottobre 2022), 12-51. - Cataldo 2023
C. Cataldo, La festa delle Antesterie, gli Uccelli di Aristofane e il satiro con lo sgabello, “La Rivista di Engramma” 200 (marzo 2023), 197-212. - Catenacci 2009
C. Catenacci, L’infanticidio di Medea, tragedia e iconografia, in A.T. Cozzoli, A. Martina (a cura di), La tragedia greca. Testimonianze archeologiche ed iconografiche. Atti del Convegno, Roma 2004, 111-133. - Catteruccia 1951
L.M. Catteruccia, Pitture vascolari italiote di soggetto teatrale comico, Roma 1951. - Catucci 2009
M. Catucci, La Niobe di Sofocle ed il cratere attico 2555 del Museo di Caltanissetta, in A. Martina, A.T. Cozzoli (a cura di), La tragedia greca. Testimonianze archeologiche e iconografiche, Roma 2009, 63-69. - Cazzaniga 1950
I. Cazzaniga, La saga di Itys nella tradizione letteraria e mitografica greco-romana, vol. 1, Milano-Varese 1950. - Centanni, Cipolla 2024
M. Centanni, P.B. Cipolla, Sophocles’ Laocoön, Roma-Bristol (USA) 2024. - Centanni, Grilli 2021
M. Centanni, A. Grilli, ἅπαξ δρώμενα. Un criterio per la relazione tra testi teatrali e iconografia vascolare (V-IV sec. a.C.), “La Rivista di Engramma” 183 (luglio/agosto 2021), 51-93. - Centanni, Licitra, Nuzzi, Pedersoli 2013
M. Centanni, C. Licitra, M. Nuzzi, A. Pedersoli, Il Laocoonte perduto di Sofocle: una ricostruzione per fragmenta testuali e iconografici, “La Rivista di Engramma” 107 (giugno 2013), 79-106. - Cerri 2012
G. Cerri, Il dialogo tragico e il ruolo della gestualità, “La Rivista di Engramma” 99 (luglio/agosto 2012), 91-105. - Cerri 2013
G. Cerri, Gestualità nelle Baccanti di Euripide, “La Rivista di Engramma” 109 (settembre 2013), 68-79. - Chazalon 2003
L. Chazalon, Le mythe de Térée, Procnè et Philomèle dans les images attiques, “Metis” 1 (2003), 119-148. - Cirio 2006
A.M. Cirio, Nuovi dati sull’iconografia del mito di Dolone e di Reso, in AA. VV., Aspetti del mondo classico: lettura ed interpretazione dei testi-seminari in collaborazione con l'A.I.C.C., Napoli 2006, 25-39. - Corrente 2009
G. Corrente, Tragedia attica e iconografia fliacica, in A. Martina, A.T. Cozzoli (a cura di), La tragedia greca. Testimonianze archeologiche e iconografiche, Roma 2009, 207-232. - Corrente 2017
G. Corrente, The Phlyax Plays: Performative and ‘Political’ Dimensions of an Original form of Mediterranean Theatricality, in H.L. Reid, D. Tanasi, S. Kimbell (eds.), Politics and Performance in Western Greece. Essays on the Hellenic Heritage of Sicily and Southern Italy, vol. 2, Sioux City (Iowa) 2017, 54-67. - Csapo 1986
E. Csapo, A Note on the Würzburg Bell-Crater H5697 (‘Telephus Travestitus’), “Phoenix” 40 (1986), 379-392. - Csapo 2010
E. Csapo, Actors and icons of the ancient theater, Chirchester 2010. - Csapo 2014
E. Csapo, Performing Comedy in the Fifth through Early Third Centuries, in M. Fontaine, A.C. Scafuro (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy, Oxford 2014, 50-69. - Dearden 1986-1988
C.W. Dearden, Phlyax Comedy in Magna Graecia: A Reassessment, in J. Betts, J. Hooker, J.R. Green (eds.), Studies in Honour of T.B.L. Webster, I-II, Bristol 1986-1988, 33-41. - Dobrov 1993
G.W. Dobrov, The Tragic and Comic Tereus, “American Journal of Philology” 114 (1993), 189-234. - Döhle 1967
B. Döhle, Die ‘Achilleis’ des Aischylos in ihrer Auswirkung auf die attische Vasenmalerei des 5. Jahrhunderts, “Klio” 49 (1967), 63-149. - Draià 2022
A.M. Draià, Peithò, seduzione amorosa e seduzione politica, “La Rivista di Engramma” 195 (settembre/ottobre 2022), 88-111. - Dukelsky, Martino 2002
C. Dukelsky, A.M. Martino, Imágenes teatrales en la pintura de vasos griegos, “Revista Do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia” 12 (2002), 71-79. - Figura 2022
F. Figura, The Vase as a Stage? Assteas' Calyx-Krater from Buccino and the Importance of Visual Parody in Paestan Vase-Painting, “Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archeologischen Instituts, Romische Abteilung” 128 (2022), 1-31. - Fitzpatick 2001
D. Fitzpatrick, Sophocles’ Tereus, ”Classical Quarterly” 51 (2001), 90-101. - Fontannaz 2000
D. Fontannaz, Philoctète à Lemnos dans la céramique attique et italiote: une mise au point, “Antike Kunst” 43 (2000), 53-69. - Froning 2014
H. Froning, Comedy and Parody: some reflections on the “Perseus Jug” of the Vlastos Collection in P. Valavanis, E. Manakidou (eds.), ΕΓΡΑΦΣΕΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΟΙΕΣΕΝ. Μελέτες κεραμικής και εικονογραφίας προς τιμήν του καθηγητή Μιχάλη Τιβέριου. Essays on Greek pottery and iconography in honour of Professor Michalis Tiverios, Tessaloniche 2014, 303-320. - Gadaleta 2003
G. Gadaleta, Temi ‘tragici’ nell'Italia meridionale e nella Sicilia del IV secolo a.C.: provenienze e contesti, in A. Martina (a cura di), Teatro greco postclassico e teatro latino. Teorie e prassi drammatica. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Roma 16-18 ottobre 2001), Roma 2003, 111-133. - Galasso 2013
S. Galasso, Pittura vascolare, mito e teatro: l'immagine di Medea tra VII e IV secolo a.C., “La Rivista di Engramma” 107 (giugno 2013), 47-78. - Garipoli 2013
S. Garipoli, Neottolemo o Diomede? Sul giovane imberbe al fianco di Odisseo nell’ambasciata a Lemno, “La Rivista di Engramma” 109 (settembre 2013), 17-67. - Ghiron-Bistagne 1977
P. Ghiron-Bistagne, Iconografia delle Coefore e problemi scenici, “Dioniso” XLVIII (1977), 223-225. - Giudice 2009
E. Giudice, Tereo su un’hydria della stipe della Mannella in Ceramica attica da santuari della Grecia, della Ionia e dell’Italia, Atti Convegno Internazionale, a cura di S. Fortunelli, C. Masseria (Perugia 14-17 marzo 2007), Venosa 2009, 404-412. - Giudice 2015
E. Giudice, I due “gemelli terribili” nel Persephoneion di Locri, “Ostraka. Rivista di antichità” XXIV (2015), 57-67. - Giuliani 1995
L. Giuliani, Tragik, Trauer und Trost: Bildervasen für eine apulische Totenfeier, Berlin 1995. - Giuliani 1996
L. Giuliani, Rhesus between dream and death: on the relation of image to literature in Apulian vase-painting, “Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies” 41 (1996), 71-86. - Giuliani 2003
L. Giuliani, Bild und Mythos. Geschichte der Bilderzählung in der griechischen Kunst, München 2003. - Giuliani 2009
L. Giuliani, Review of Pots & Plays: Interactions between Tragedy and Greek Vase-Painting of the Fourth Century BC, “Gnomon” 81 (2009), 439-447. - Giuliani 2015
L. Giuliani, How did the Greeks translate traditional tales into images?, in K.M. Coleman (ed.), Images for classicists, Cambridge 2015, 19-37. - Green 1985a
J.R. Green, A Representation of the Birds of Aristophanes in Greek Vases, “The J. Paul Getty Museum, Occasional Papers on Antiquities” 3 (1985), 95-118. - Green 1985b
J.R. Green, Drunk again: a Study in the Iconography of Comic Theater, ”American Journal of Archaeology” 89 (1985), 465-472. - Green 1991
J.R. Green, On Seeing and Depicting the Theatre in Classic Athens, “Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies” 32 (1991), 15-50. - Green, Handley 1995
J.R. Green, E. Handley, Images of the Greek theatre, London 1995. - Green 1999
J.R. Green, Tragedy and the spectacle of the mind. Messenger speeches, actors, narrative and audience imagination in fourth-century B.C.E. vase painting in B. Bergmann, C. Kondoleon (eds.), The art of ancient spectacle, Washington 1999, 36-63. - Green 2012
J.R. Green, Comic vases in South Italy. Continuity and innovation in the development of a figurative language, in K. Bosher (a cura di), Theater outside Athens: drama in Greek Sicily and South Italy, Cambridge 2012, 289-342. - Green 2015
J.R. Green, Pictures of pictures of comedy. Campanian Santia, Athenian Amphitryon and Plautine Amphitruo in J.R. Green, M. Edwards (eds.), Images and texts. Papers in honour of Professor Eric Handley CBE FBA, London 2015, 45-80. - Grilli 2014
A. Grilli, Mito, tragedia e racconto per immagini nella ceramica greca a soggetto mitologico (V-IV sec. a.C.): appunti per una semiotica comparata, “La Rivista di Engramma” 120 (ottobre 2014), 7-52. - Grilli 2021
A. Grilli, Dal mito tragico all’immagine su vaso. Nuclei d’azione e dinamiche trasmediali, “La Rivista di Engramma” 183 (luglio/agosto 2021), 95-121. - Günther 2020
E. Günther, Heterogenitäten, Inkongruenzen, Widersprüche. Tragödien und komödienbezogene Vasenbilder aus Unteritalien und deren Bilderzählung, in J. Bracker (ed.), Homo Pictor. Image Studies and Archaeology in Dialogue, Heidelberg 2020, 77-105. - Günther 2021
E. Günther, Pictorial Elements vs. Composition? “Reading” Gestures in Comedy-Related Vase-Paintings (4th Century BC), “Journal of Ancient Civilizations” 36/2 (2021), 201-203. - Guy 1983
J.R. Guy, Herakles and Philoctetes, in f. Lissarague, F. Thelamon (eds.), Image et Ceramique Graeque, Rouen 1983, 152-153. - Halm-Tisserant 1993
M. Halm-Tisserant, Cannibalisme et immortalité. L’enfant dans le chaudron en Gréce ancienne, Paris 1993. - Hammond, Moon 1978
N.G.L. Hammond, W. Moon, Illustrations of early tragedy at Athens, “American Journal of Archaeology” 82 (1978), 371-383. - Harrison 1887
J. Harrison, Jtys and Aedon: a Panaitios Cylix, “Journal of Hellenic Studies” 8 (1887), 439-445. - Hawkins, Marshall 2016
T. Hawkins, C.W. Marshall, Ignorance and Reception of Comedy in Antiquity, in Hawkins, C.W. Marshall (eds.), Athenian Comedy in the Roman Empire, London, 1-24. - Hedreen 1992
G.M. Hedreen, Silens in Attic Black-figure Vase-painting. Myth and Performance, Ann Arbor 1992. - Hedreen 2007
G. Hedreen, Myths of Ritual in Athenian vase-paintings of Silens, in E. Csapo, M.C. Miller (eds.), The Origins of Theatre in Ancient Greece and Beyond: From Ritual to Drama, Cambridge 2007, 150-195. - Howe 1953
T.P. Howe, Illustrations to Aeschylos’ Tetralogy on the Perseus Theme, “American Journal of Archaeology” 4/57 (1953), 269-275. - Huddilston 1898
J.H. Huddilston, Greek Tragedy in the Light of Vase-Paintings, London 1898. - Hughes 1996
A. Hughes, Comic Stages in Magna Graecia: The evidence of the Vases, “Theatre Research International” 21 (1996), 97-107. - Hughes 2003
A. Hughes, Comedy in Paestan Vase Painting, “Oxford Journal of Archaeology” 22/3 (2003), 281-301. - Iacopi 1958
G. Iacopi, Un attore comico travestito da papposileno, “Bollettino d’Arte” 43 (1958), 97-106. - Isler-Kerényi 2016
C. Isler-Kerényi, Oreste nella ceramografia greca, “Dionysus ex machina” VII (2016), 183-207. - Jahn 1868
O. Jahn, Perseus, Herakles, Satyren auf Vasenbildern und das Satyrdrama, “Philologus” 27 (1868), 1-27. - Keuls 1978a
E.C. Keuls, Plato and Greek Painting, Leiden 1978. - Keuls 1978b
E.C. Keuls, The happy ending. Classical tragedy and funerary art, "Mededelingen van het Nederlands Historisch Institute Rome" n.s. 5/40 (1978), 83-91. - Keuls 1978c
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E.C. Keuls, Scenes from tragedy on vases found in Sicily and Lipary, in I vasi attici ed altre ceramiche coeve in Sicilia. Atti Convegno Internazionale Catania, Camarina, Gela, Vittoria 28 marzo - 1 aprile 1990, vol. I, “Cronache di archeologia” 29 (1990), 55-64. - Keuls 1997
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F. Lissarague, Image and Representation in the Pottery of Magna Graecia, in M. Revermann, P. Wilson (eds.), Performance, Iconography, Reception: Studies in Honour of Oliver Taplin, Oxford 2008, 439-449. - Lo Piparo 2014
F. Lo Piparo, Il canestro di Ione, la κίστη di Erittonio: mitografia, drammaturgia e iconografia di un oggetto, “La Rivista di Engramma” 120 (ottobre 2014), 53-77. - Lo Piparo 2017
F. Lo Piparo, Torn Fillets and a Broken Sceptre: Cassandra’s Costume, Props and Attributes in Ancient Greek Drama and Vase-Painting, “La Rivista di Engramma” 148 (agosto 2017), 49-65. - Loscalzo 2009
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A. Mitchell, Greek Vase-painting and the Origins of Visual Humor, New York 2009. - Monella 2005
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V. Pellegrino, Il frammento di dinos attico a figure nere di Sophilos, “Pallas” 109 (2019), 299-314. - Petrides 2014
A.K. Petrides, Menander, new comedy and the visual, Cambridge 2014. - Piqueux 2022
A. Piqueux, The comic body in ancient Greek theatre and art, 440-320 a.C., Oxford 2022. - Pollitt 1987
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J.N.W. Prag, The Oresteia: Iconographic and Narrative Tradition, Warminster-Chicago 1985. - Rebaudo 2012
L. Rebaudo, Il tema di 'Niobe in lutto', “La Rivista di Engramma” 99 (luglio/agosto 2012), 56-73. - Rebaudo 2013a
L. Rebaudo, The Underworld Painter and the Corinthian adventures of Medea. An interpretation of the crater in Munich, “La Rivista di Engramma” 109 (settembre 2013), 7-16. - Rebaudo 2013b
L. Rebaudo, Teatro e innovazione nelle iconografie vascolari. Qualche riflessione sul Pittore di Konnakis, “La Rivista di Engramma” 107 (giugno 2013), 27-46. - Rebaudo 2015
L. Rebaudo, Teatro attico e iconografia vascolare. Appunti per un metodo di lettura e di interpretazione. Teatro e pittura vascolare: breve storia di un problema. Il quadro degli studi, in G. Bordignon (a cura di), Scene dal mito. Iconologia del dramma antico, Rimini 2015, 55-75. - Rebaudo 2017
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English abstract
This bibliography is designed as an introductory resource for research on Iconoδramma, focusing on the complex relationship between images found on vase paintings and theatrical texts. It offers a curated selection of foundational works rather than an exhaustive survey, highlighting key monographs and essays that contribute to a rigorous hermeneutic approach. The field has evolved since 2011 through collaborative efforts, particularly those associated with the Pots&Plays Seminar, inviting ongoing scholarly contributions. This resource documents the historical development of the field, tracing its origins to early studies by Robert in 1881, and includes discussions on philological evidence, the transmission of texts into images, and the role of artistic creativity in interpreting theatrical subjects.
keywords | Iconoδramma; Vase Painting; Theatrical Texts; Text-Image Relationship; Classical Imagery.
Per citare questo articolo / To cite this article: Anna Chiara Bellinato, Concetta Cataldo, Roberto Indovina, Iconoδramma. A selected Bibliography, “La Rivista di Engramma” n. 216, settembre 2024